Gateway expends business in Czech

To provide better service, Gateway started to cooeprate with Metrans Prague.


GPS: N 50°2′19.64” E 14°34′38.493”The largest container terminal in Central and Eastern Europe. Up-to-the-date, state-of-the-art facility. Railway hub for Central and Eastern Europe, offering second to none rail connection to HAMBURG, BREMERHAVEN, ROTTERDAM and DUISBURG with daily feeder service connection to all other METRANS' terminals.

Address: PODLESKA 926 1CZ HPRMET / METRANS 10400 PRAHA 10, PraGUE, 10400, Czech Republic. Terminal Area: 420.000 sqm; Stacking Area: 270.000 sqm Rail Tracks: 12 km of rail tracks 7x600m +6x350m+2x550m Truck Capacity: 330 trucks (long-term subcontractors)

MORE INFORMATION Stacking capacity: 17.500 TEUs Capacity to operate: 10 trains simulataneously Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes: 2 over 7 tracks 600m long 3 over 6 tracks 350m long Operating hours: rail operation 24 / 7 incl. state holidays truck operation MON - FRI 07:00-21:00 SAT closed SUN 14:00-21.00 Address: METRANS, a.s. Podleská 926 CZ 104 00 Praha 10 - Uhřiněves Railway station: Praha - Uhřiněves, vlastní vlečka Metrans No.: 54 549568 Customs office: Reefer plugs – PTI incl.small repairs: Depot for empty containers–capacity: 10.000 TEUs Covered repair shop incl.container cleaning: Installment of linerbags or hangertainers:

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Gateway Container International Limited, a subsidary of Gateway Logistics, specialized in container trading, and container one way leasing . The main service area is Eurasia.

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RM.419-421, Tianda Business Centre, No.203, Moling Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China. P.C.:200070

+86(21) 6393-1256

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